How Do You Prepare Financially for Having Dental Braces?
Planning for the cost of braces, or orthodontic treatment is something we often forget to take into consideration. With the increased popularity of orthodontic treatment, many pare
The Benefits and Setbacks of Using Invisalign Braces
Many people have the embarrassing issue of crooked or crowded teeth. One of the most obvious solutions for the orthodontic problem is to get braces, but with more and more teens an
Does Tooth Pain Triggers a Headache?
When you are experiencing pressure or pain in your head, it can be so agonizing that you just don’t know what to do with yourself. The question is, do you know what is causing it
When is the Best Time to Replace Your Toothbrush?
When was the last time you replaced your toothbrush? We throw out expired foods, restock vitamins and supplements, and replace our beauty products often, but when it comes to healt
Quick Tips in Taking Good Care of Your Teeth
Did you know there is a connection between poor dental hygiene and your overall health? For instance, if you have gum disease you are at a higher risk of getting heart disease? The
Common Dental Problems and How to Prevent It
You may wonder why you’re suddenly getting cavities when you haven’t had them in years. As we get older, we enter the second round of cavity prone years. One common cause of ca
The Reason Why a White Smile is Not A Healthy Smile
A straight and white smile is becoming more sought after than ever before. This mindset began with the ‘Hollywood smile’ when we first started to develop an interest in mimic
Guidelines on How to Prevent Your Child’s Early Tooth Decay
Tooth decay is not a preserve of adults. This is a matter of great concern since more than 40 percent of children aged between 2 and 11 years develop cavities. This occurs when sug
Dental Sealants Can Help Your Away from Pain and Tooth Decay
The teeth in the back of the mouth have a variety of recesses, fissures, and pits, that help when chewing and grinding food. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to remove all of the
Tips on Improving Your Dental Hygiene
You’ve probably heard numerous times that a daily dental hygiene routine should include brushing two times a day and flossing once a day. While this is a good baseline, simply br