Dr Michael Smith D.M.D.

What Can You Eat With Braces




Getting braces can be an adjustment, especially when it comes to knowing what foods are safe to eat. At Tempe Family Dentistry, we understand the importance of proper care and maintenance for braces. In this article, we’ll provide helpful tips on what you can eat with braces and what foods to avoid to ensure your orthodontic treatment is effective and comfortable.

Braces-Friendly Foods to Enjoy

While there are certain restrictions on what you can eat with braces, there are still plenty of delicious options available. Soft foods that require minimal chewing are generally safe to eat with braces and can help prevent damage to your orthodontic appliances.

Some braces-friendly foods to enjoy include:

  • Soft fruits: Opt for ripe bananas, berries, applesauce, and peeled grapes.
  • Cooked vegetables: Steam or boil vegetables like carrots, potatoes, and green beans until they are soft.
  • Dairy products: Enjoy yogurt, pudding, and soft cheeses like brie and mozzarella.
  • Protein sources: Choose tender meats like chicken, fish, and turkey, as well as scrambled eggs and tofu.
  • Soft grains: Stick to cooked grains like rice, quinoa, pasta, and oatmeal.

By focusing on soft, easy-to-chew foods, you can still enjoy a varied and nutritious diet while wearing braces.

What Can You Eat With Braces

Getting braces can be an adjustment, especially when it comes to knowing what foods are safe to eat. At Tempe Family Dentistry, we understand the importance of proper care and maintenance for braces. In this article, we’ll provide helpful tips on what you can eat with braces and what foods to avoid to ensure your orthodontic treatment is effective and comfortable.

Braces-Friendly Foods to Enjoy

While there are certain restrictions on what you can eat with braces, there are still plenty of delicious options available. Soft foods that require minimal chewing are generally safe to eat with braces and can help prevent damage to your orthodontic appliances.

Some braces-friendly foods to enjoy include:

  • Soft fruits: Opt for ripe bananas, berries, applesauce, and peeled grapes.
  • Cooked vegetables: Steam or boil vegetables like carrots, potatoes, and green beans until they are soft.
  • Dairy products: Enjoy yogurt, pudding, and soft cheeses like brie and mozzarella.
  • Protein sources: Choose tender meats like chicken, fish, and turkey, as well as scrambled eggs and tofu.
  • Soft grains: Stick to cooked grains like rice, quinoa, pasta, and oatmeal.

By focusing on soft, easy-to-chew foods, you can still enjoy a varied and nutritious diet while wearing braces.

Foods to Avoid with Braces

While there are plenty of foods you can eat with braces, there are also some that you should avoid to prevent damage to your orthodontic appliances. Hard, crunchy, sticky, and chewy foods can all pose a risk to braces and increase the likelihood of broken brackets or wires.

Some foods to avoid with braces include:

  • Hard candies and nuts: These can damage braces and cause brackets to break or wires to bend.
  • Crunchy snacks: Avoid popcorn, pretzels, chips, and hard taco shells that can get stuck in your braces.
  • Sticky sweets: Steer clear of chewy candies, caramel, taffy, and gum that can adhere to braces and be difficult to remove.
  • Tough meats: Avoid tough cuts of meat and large, hard-to-bite items like ribs and chicken wings.
  • Hard fruits and vegetables: Pass on biting into apples, carrots, corn on the cob, and raw celery.

By being mindful of what you eat and avoiding problematic foods, you can help protect your braces and ensure your treatment progresses smoothly.


In conclusion, knowing what you can eat with braces and what foods to avoid is essential for maintaining good oral health during orthodontic treatment. Ready to take the next step in caring for your braces? Shop our selection of dental accessories and schedule an appointment with Tempe Family Dentistry today at tempefamilydentistry.com. Your smile deserves the best care!