Dr Michael Smith D.M.D.

How To Use Electric Toothbrush

Electric toothbrushes have become increasingly popular for their ability to provide a thorough and efficient clean. However, using an electric toothbrush correctly is key to maximizing its benefits. At Tempe Family Dentistry, we’re here to provide expert tips on how to use an electric toothbrush effectively for optimal oral health.

Choosing the Right Electric Toothbrush

Before diving into how to use an electric toothbrush, it’s essential to choose the right one for your needs. Electric toothbrushes come in various styles, including oscillating, sonic, and rotating-oscillating, each offering unique features and benefits.

When selecting an electric toothbrush, consider factors such as brush head size, bristle type, and cleaning modes. Opt for a brush head size that comfortably fits your mouth and reaches all areas of your teeth and gums. Soft, rounded bristles are gentle on your enamel and gums, while cleaning modes like sensitive, daily clean, and gum care provide customizable cleaning options.

Once you’ve chosen the right electric toothbrush, it’s time to learn how to use it effectively.

How to Use an Electric Toothbrush

Using an electric toothbrush is simple, but it’s essential to follow the correct technique for optimal results. Start by applying a pea-sized amount of fluoride toothpaste to the brush head. Place the brush head against your teeth at a 45-degree angle to the gumline, ensuring that the bristles make contact with both your teeth and gums.

Turn on the electric toothbrush and gently move the brush head in a circular motion, covering one or two teeth at a time. Avoid pressing too hard or scrubbing aggressively, as this can damage your enamel and gums. Let the electric toothbrush do the work for you, and focus on thoroughly cleaning all surfaces of your teeth, including the front, back, and chewing surfaces.

Continue brushing for two minutes, making sure to divide your mouth into quadrants and spend equal time brushing each area. Some electric toothbrushes come with built-in timers or pressure sensors to help guide your brushing technique and ensure you brush for the recommended duration.

Maintaining Your Electric Toothbrush

Proper maintenance is essential for keeping your electric toothbrush clean and effective. After each use, rinse the brush head thoroughly under running water to remove any toothpaste and debris. Allow the brush head to air dry between uses, and replace it every three to four months or sooner if the bristles become worn or frayed.

Additionally, be sure to recharge your electric toothbrush regularly to maintain optimal battery life and performance. Store your electric toothbrush upright in a clean, dry area to prevent bacteria growth and keep it hygienic between uses.


In conclusion, learning how to use an electric toothbrush correctly is essential for maintaining good oral health. Ready to upgrade your oral care routine? Shop our selection of dental accessories and schedule an appointment with Tempe Family Dentistry today at tempefamilydentistry.com. Your smile deserves the best care!