Dr Michael Smith D.M.D.

Which Foods Can I Eat After Implant Surgery?

These days, dental implants are a Remarkably popular solution to Missing teeth. They are a tooth replacement option for many reasons. In reality, an implant imitates the look and feel of a natural tooth you may even forget it’s not real! In this post, we will talk a little about the dental implant process, and how to recover fast after-the-fact.

Why Get Dental Implants?

Dental implants May be used to address the lack of a tooth due to injury, corrosion, or other circumstances. Many patients find them to be the most comfortable and permanent, although implants certainly aren’t the only method to substitute a tooth. A durable tooth that needs no maintenance beyond routine checkups and daily dental hygiene is offered by A dental implant.

Getting Your Dental Implants

Once You and your dentist have determined that implants are the most suitable choice for you, here is what to expect from the procedure. An implant is often compared to a screw. It’s made from titanium. It takes for the augmentation to fuse into the bone and for the area to heal, Once being inserted to the jawbone. Your custom-made recovery will be connected, once the osseointegration and recovery period is complete.

What Can I Eat Afterward?

The beauty of implants Is they work like normal teeth. That means eating and your speaking won’t be affected –you can go back to eating. You will not be able to do this right after getting your implant. As with any process, expect a recovery interval. After the implant is inserted into the jaw, then that area will have to heal. You can expect some pain and sensitivity while recovery. You got to eat, though! Here are some tips:

  • Stick with fluids and soft foods that can be easily cut with the side of a fork, like smoothies, low-sugar yogurt, eggs, mashed fruits and vegetables, and soups
  • Avoid very hot foods and drinks
  • Avoid smoking or drinking alcohol
  • As always, stay hydrated with plenty of water!
  • Cosmetic Dentistry

It is time, In case you haven’t already! Contact us to arrange a consultation.