Is Sleeping with Dentures Safe?
We know that new dentures mean a lot of questions, which is why we have written this article to address some of the questions about sleeping with dentures. This article will explain and answer some of the questions like ‘is it ok to sleep with your dentures in’ so that you can rest easy at night. However, it is best that you still get a professional evaluation and advice from your dental health doctor.
When you get your new dentures there are going to be a lot of questions about what you can (and cannot) do with your new teeth. You might be wondering about eating and doing things when you are awake, but what about when it comes to going to bed? Can you sleep with partial dentures or full dentures in? In fact, some of the more commonly asked questions at our clinic are, can I wear my partial denture to bed, and what happens if I sleep in my dentures!
If we haven’t answered your question as fully as you would like, please don’t hesitate to get in touch – we are here to answer any questions that you may have about your dentures.
Is it ok to sleep with dentures in?
Your dentures may give you more confidence and make you feel better about your mouth – but when it comes to the question of should you wear your dentures to bed, the answer is probably not.
When it comes to sleeping in your dentures it’s recommended that you should take them out at night and give your gums a rest. Even when you wonder can you sleep with partial dentures in your mouth, it’s still best to take them out. Any type of denture can cause issues and it’s better to err on the side of caution.
Studies have shown that wearing dentures during sleep results in a higher risk of disease and illness such as pneumonia, while there was also a higher risk of issues such as gum and tongue plaque, gum inflammation, and issues with oral hygiene.
In addition, if you are not taking your dentures out at night and brushing and caring for your gums you are creating a breeding ground for oral bacteria and fungi which can cause issues with smells and irritation. So in answer to the question of ‘can you wear false teeth to bed,’ the answer is that you should avoid it if you can.
How Should You Take Care of Your Dentures When You Are in Bed
While we have addressed the question of can you wear dentures to bed, the question now remains of what you should do with your dentures while you are sleeping! Leaving dentures in overnight can lead to bacteria build-up and issues with infections. But while you are not going to be sleeping with your dentures, you do need to take care of them overnight.
A key part of denture health comes down to having a great daily cleaning routine in place. You want to remove the plaque or bacteria that is on your dentures overnight so that when you put them back in in the morning, they are clean and fresh, and ready for your day.
Your cleaning routine should include:
- Brushing your dentures to clean them
- Soaking your dentures overnight in warm (not hot) water
- Rinsing your dentures in the morning before you put them back in your mouth
Your dental health professional can help you learn more about your care and maintenance routine. And remember, don’t sleep with your dentures overnight – take them out and clean them and keep yourself safe from bacteria and infection.