Dental Braces: Is it Worth the Investment?
When the dentist says that you need (or a child needs) braces, lots of questions may race through your head. How much do braces cost? Do you really need them? Will they be worth th
How Does Dental Implants Work?
A dental implant is an artificial tooth root that is surgically anchored into your jaw to hold a replacement tooth or bridge in place. The benefit of using implants is that they do
Do You Brush Your Teeth Properly?
Getting your child to have good oral habits should start early. As soon as your child’s first tooth starts to come in, the brushing should start. By the time of their first birth
How Veneers Solve Your Dental Problems?
Veneers are one of the most popular cosmetic procedures out there, embraced by celebrities, Instagram influencers, and news anchors alike. Veneers provide pearly whites worthy of t
How to Prevent Gum Disease?
Gum disease is more than just sore or bleeding gums. Gum disease is a serious issue, and if it’s left untreated, it can impact your oral health — and your overall health. The A
How Do You Differentiate Veneers and Crowns?
Veneers and crowns are long-lasting solutions for patients who suffer from some common functional and cosmetic dental issues and are looking to restore their smiles. Dull, discolor
Temporary Crown Falls Off? Here’s What You Can Do
Part of getting a new dental crown involves wearing a temporary to protect your tooth until the final restoration is ready. After your dentist prepares your tooth and takes impress
Improving Your Smile with Dental Veneers
In some cases, veneers provide “instant orthodontics,” erasing chips, stains, and even poorly discolored teeth. The length and size of teeth can be altered, or rotated teeth ca
The Difference Between Dentures and Dental Implants
Injury, illness, and poor oral health lead to missing teeth for millions of Americans. Missing teeth make eating and speaking difficult, plus they can negatively impact your confid